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Roasted Kabocha – #thegirleats

This recipe is so embarrassingly easy. Does it even count as a recipe? You be the judge.

Maybe it’s more of an idea, how about that? As with all of the recipes so far, feel free to add your favorite seasonings. Try it this way, modify it the next time. Make it yours.


[recipe title=”Roasted Kabocha Squash” servings=”about 10 slices” time=”1hr” difficulty=”easy”description=”Let the oven do the work for you. Simple seasoning to bring out the natural flavor of your star ingredient.”] [recipe-ingredients] – 1 kabocha squash, carefully washed – 3 Tbsp. oil* – 1 Tbsp. Kosher salt [/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions] 1. The toughest part of this recipe is cutting the kabocha. After you’ve rinsed it, cut it in half using a sharp knife and cutting board that is firmly in place (either because it’s heavy or there’s something on the bottom to prevent it from slipping). Cut each half into half again, and so on until you have about 10 thick pieces, depending on the size of your Kabocha. Remember that the slices will shrink a bit as they bake, so don’t cut them thin. I also don’t bother to remove the peel. You can eat it with the peel or just remove it once it’s done baking as it will practically fall off once baked. 2. Preheat oven to 350°. 3. Arrange pieces on a baking tray without overlapping. 4. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle salt. *Honestly, just use whatever neutral/light tasting oil you have on hand. I like this recipe with olive oil, but you can use whatever you have/feel comfortable cooking with. 5. Bake in hot oven for 30min. or until tender and a fork will easily go through. 6. Serve warm and enjoy! [/recipe-directions] [/recipe]

Kabocha is my favorite squash hands down. Its texture is a dream: rich, creamy, smooth. It is nutty, sweet, everything it should be. I like it as soup, I like it as pie, but because the squash itself is so perfect, I like it roasted very simply on its own.

Serve roasted Kabocha with a green salad, some brown rice, and save the leftovers to add to salads, stir-fries, soups, patties, etc. This is also a great side dish for your Thanksgiving table, hint hint!

Kabocha has fiber, protein, as well as Vitamin A + C, potassium, and magnesium.

One of the excuses I’ve heard from aspiring vegetarians is that they end up consuming too many carbs. But let’s think about this for a second. Carbs aren’t always the problem. Choose good, worthy carbs that, like the Kabocha and brown rice, have protein and fiber and other goodies. Pair them properly, and they will satiate and nurture. They won’t hurt you.

Adopting a new eating habit will require mindfulness, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Try meal prepping, use some of the recipes here as a starting point. You’ve come this far, however far that is, whether it’s just reading this post, researching vegetarianism, thinking about it, or taking that first step. Reward yourself by keeping it up for another day. That’s all. One day at a time.

You got this.

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