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Before you even buy a ticket, the first thing to consider before visiting a new country is the documentation necessary to get there. Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if the only thing between us and visiting a new country was ticket prices?
Travel documents can be a hassle and present several time-consuming and expensive hurdles. Once you have a passport, Brazil should be fairly easy to get into as a tourist. Of course, this depends on your country of origin:
“Brazil adopts a policy of reciprocity regarding visas. This means that nationals of countries that require visas for Brazilian citizens will need a visa to travel to Brazil.” – Itamaraty
However, even if you need a visa, it shouldn’t be difficult to get.
Right now in 2019, you can find up to date information on whether you need a visa here on this website, which is actually for the carnival in Rio. I include it because it’s actually much more user friendly than the official government website. I’m going to sigh and that’s all I’m going to say about that.
The official government website would be the one for Itamaraty. Click assim for the Itamaraty website and scroll down to “Do you need a visa?“. It will take you to a detailed document, or you can access the 2019 list here. (Ctrl-F to find your country, then look on the PASOF column. Take whatever number is there and look at the key on the first page to find out what it means.)
Here’s a list of Brazilian Consulates around the world. I think the most important thing to do is give yourself plenty of time. You can get expedited visas, everything might go very well and fast, and all things are possible, but try to give yourself plenty of time to get everything done. Try to foresee complications. Print and take more than what you think you need. Research and research and research.
You got this. See you in Brazil.