The Invisible Hand – A personal testimony

by Telma Pessanha

It was a Sunday morning, and I was taking my daughter to Pathfinders. She and I got in the car, we said a prayer asking for the Lord’s protection, and drove along happily. We began singing hymns and praising the Lord, when something happened.

The truck ahead of us was carrying construction materials, among them some large signs. Suddenly, one of the signs came loose, slid off the truck, and flew towards us. There was only time to scream inwardly, “My God!” As I cried out to God, I simply surrendered everything to Him. It was terrifying to see death in front of my eyes. In the next second, it was as if a hand held the sign, and flung it over the car. It hit the ground and was skidded to the side of the road. It was a wonderful and incredible moment, and I know it was my guardian angel that held that sign with his mighty hand! Praise the Lord God Almighty!

We live in the midst of a great conflict between good and evil. But next to Jesus Christ, we are more than conquerors. “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” Psalms 34:7.

We have no idea how many times God has delivered us, and how many invisible victories we have won where the work of the Lord happens, and we are unaware. Thank you, Father, for taking care of us!

The angels of God, thousands upon thousands, … guard us against evil and press back the powers of darkness that are seeking our destruction. Have we not reason to be thankful every moment, thankful even when there are apparent difficulties in our pathway?

My Life Today, 171

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