We broke up. How do I move on?

Most people have gone or will go through a break up at least once in their lifetime. This experience is a mixture of deeply painful feelings akin to being torn apart from the inside. You invested in the relationship, and now that connection has ended, and it hurts. Here are some tips we hope will help you through this phase.

Mourn the end of your relationship

Don’t deny your feelings! The mourning phase is necessary, and depriving it uses up a lot of vital energy, mainly from your brain. As time goes by, your cognitive system (responsible for learning and adapting) will begin to process the situation, and you will notice that the pain isn’t as strong anymore.

Make more time for God

This is the most important relationship in your life! Your romantic relationship is over, but God’s love for you will never end. Invest in it.

Focus on something else

Ideally, you don’t keep in touch or stay connected with your ex. Stalking them on social media or asking mutual friends about them are habits that get in the way of moving on and rebuilding. Fill your mind with new and pleasant things that can bring hope and joy to your heart.

Stop the blame game

If you decided to end the relationship, you had your reasons. Trust them. If the decision to break up was made by the other person, you need to understand and accept that you cannot have a relationship with a person who does not want to be with you.

Take care of your diet

The cravings for junk food, desserts, and greasy comfort food will be strong, but it’s important to remember that these foods lower your wellbeing and strength to take care of your mental and emotional health. Choose a healthy diet with fiber, leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, and stay hydrated with lots of water and teas.

Get moving

The next time you start remembering your ex, distract yourself by getting up and moving! Exercising your body helps in the production of neurotransmitters that stabilize mood, boosts happiness hormones, and helps you regain control of your life.

Don’t shut out your friends

Strengthen bonds and create new ones. True friendships are important in helping you move on and keep you from victim playing.

Trust God’s timing

Above all, know that nothing is beyond God’s control, He has the future before Him, and He will take care of your pain with love and affection.

He heals their broken hearts
    and bandages their wounds.
He counts the stars
    and knows each of them by name.
Our Lord is great and powerful.
    There is no limit to what he knows.

Psalm 147:3-5

When this grief is over, you will understand God’s perfect plans for your existence more clearly.

All things work together for good to them that love God, […]

Romans 8:28

Trust. Let Him lead your life.


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