What to Consider When Choosing Your Wedding Dress

I believe that one of the best—and most exciting—parts of being a bride is the choice of dress. It’s a dream that many of us have had since we were little girls, imagining the day we would wear that beautiful, special gown, almost like that of a princess. I have always loved weddings and would always ask my parents to buy me wedding magazines because I loved flipping through the pictures. Naturally, this resulted in a collection of wedding dress photos. Every time I fell in love with a new one I decided it was THE dress. Today, Pinterest replaced these magazines, but this habit continued, and my Wedding Dress Board is full of the most varied styles of dresses that I saved over time. Do you do this too?

I got married last year. I thought it would be easy to choose my dress, after all, I already had all the references I needed, but it was still a challenge. While everything is in imagination land it’s easier because you don’t have to decide between one option or the other; you can just imagine yourself with the two (or ten) options you like. But as much as deciding something is challenging, it’s equally rewarding. But how to narrow it down to one choice? A choice well-made is one that makes you emotionally comfortable and allows you to feel like yourself. And it all starts with self-knowledge.

1. Have self-knowledge

Carefully consider the references you have collected. Take some time to do this calmly. Look at each photo, pay attention, and write down what you like in each image. Look at the silhouette, the fabric, the lace, the special details, the neckline, the sleeves. It may be that what you liked in a particular photo is just the way the sleeves were fastened at the wrist. Write that down! Or you loved the lace pattern! Write that down too! Even if you also had a folder full of dresses of different styles, doing this will help you recognize a pattern, something that stands out, and choose a clear path to follow.

2. Use your references

When looking for inspiration, look for photos of other dresses and gowns other than wedding dresses. Look for inspiration on other platforms and not just Pinterest. Instagram offers lots of real-life images to look at. Try different hashtags. You can be inspired by looking at photos of friends who have already gotten married, bridal shop profiles, or blogs. Then just repeat the exercise of writing down what you like and get ready to: try on some dresses!

You can also use this tip for deciding your personal style

3. Try on dresses

It could be that when you write down the things you liked you notice that some elements would be very hard to wear on the same dress. So now it’s time to try on some dresses. Make appointments at different bridal shops and go! Even if the ones you try on are out of your budget or not your style, it’s a good exercise to see what works on your body, what materials and textures you like, and what you don’t. It’s an opportunity to see which elements from your list really work for you. Take the opportunity to surprise yourself too! Try some things that weren’t on your list! Not to mention that you can take your mother, grandmother, sisters, friends, and create a special moment of lasting memories. I did this and can say it was one of the most special moments of planning my wedding.

4. Don’t give up on your principles and who you are

The saying goes that if you don’t know where you’re going you will end up nowhere. That’s why having a clear idea of what you would like your dress to be is so important. As Christians, it can be difficult to find styles that are exactly in line with our principles, so it makes it easier when you know ahead of time what you want and what alterations you would consider. Details that you love, fabrics you feel comfortable in, significant elements that speak of your personality and tell your story, all of these elements build the dress that will make you even more beautiful because it will enhance not only your outer beauty but will radiate your inner beauty as well.

On one of the most beautiful days of your life, nothing is more special than being dressed as who you are. God made you unique, so your dress should be unique too. As hard as it seems to find it, don’t give up. It will be worth it! We’ve filled this post with inspiration to remind you that it will work and that not all modest wedding dresses are the same, and they are beautiful.

5. Pray

Invite God to help you make every decision regarding your wedding, including your dress. If it seems impossible to find the dress of your dreams, place it in His hands. Get ready to be surprised with a blessing better than you could imagine.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a lot of love and a lot of joy during your wedding preparations, darling bride. Enjoy the process, because everything goes by so fast. I hope my tips have helped you. If you have any questions, let me know below, or if you are already married, leave your advice too!

List of things to consider:

  • Silhouette
  • Color
  • Fabrics
  • Lace
  • Embroidery
  • Neckline (front and back)
  • Sleeves
  • Length
  • Train
  • Veil
  • Other details

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