Crossed Prayers – A personal testimony

At the beginning of 2021, we had a baby on the way and many of our postponed plans needed to happen and fast. One of these plans, was buying a car. The search took several days, and as some criteria were non-negotiable, our search became even more challenging. We also had a strict budget, and we were shocked by how much car prices had gone up! The vehicles that could meet our needs were always above what we could afford. Tired and discouraged, we took a short break from searching until one day, without much hope, my husband decided to take one last look, and there it was! The car we were looking for!

He was so excited! He invited my uncle to go with him to see the car in person at the dealership, and was even more excited when my uncle gave him his feedback. It was the ideal car in every way, except in price, which exceeded our stipulated limit by a few thousand reals. I don’t know anything about cars, but by my husband’s face, I knew it was the car we were waiting for. He was so excited to close the deal and so sure it was the one that he almost convinced me. But my face manifested the worry that was in my heart. For some reason, I wasn’t at peace. I told him that we’d best talk about it at home, and that we would pray to know if we really had God’s approval on the deal. He looked at me desperately and said, “This car, for this price, will sell very quickly. If we don’t close the deal today, tomorrow it might already be sold.” It was about six o’clock in the evening by then, and I just replied, “Let’s pray. If this car sells that fast, by tomorrow morning we’ll know it wasn’t God’s plan for us.” And that’s what we did.

At around nine the next morning, my uncle went to the dealership and the man was closing a sale on the car. We had our confirmation; it wasn’t the one. But on that same day, another car listing appeared. It was the same model, just a year older and in a different color, but it was in better condition and within our budget. My uncle once again looked the car over while we went through the paperwork. The car belonged to an evangelical woman who put the car up for sale because she needed to undergo a treatment. After the sale closed, she sent my husband a text saying, “Today you were an answer to prayer. You have been a channel of blessing in our lives! My prayer is that you will be very happy and that the car will be a blessing in your life as it was in ours.”

Our hearts were filled with gratitude to God. It’s wonderful how day after day He listens to sinners like us, and, as His word tells us, He is “able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

It’s amazing to know that while we were praying at home, someone was praying in theirs, and in the midst of our doubts and fears, God was working things out so that our paths would cross, and we would be a blessing in each other’s lives. Once again, we could see the work of a compassionate God and witness His love for us. Trusting is always worth it!

orações cruzadas - um testemunho pessoal

Never forget: “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

Philippians 4:6

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