Do You Know Your Temperament?

Iridology is a complementary medicine technique that addresses not only physical symptoms but also emotional causes and beyond. Iridology recognizes 4 Temperaments that help us explain our behaviors and characteristics and better understand ourselves. These temperaments are:



and Melancholic

It is important to remember that no temperament is the same or “right” or superior to the other. The ability to achieve our purposes depends largely on which side of our temperaments we are operating: its weakness or strength. It is also important to note that as much as temperaments serve to help us become more self-aware, and while we might identify a lot with a certain temperament, no one is 100% one temperament or another.

In the coming weeks, we will learn more about each temperament by learning to recognize which temperament we can identify with, some positive points to exercise and encourage, and some negative characteristics to learn to control. We’ll have tips on how to relate to people of every temperament and discuss occupations that certain temperaments enjoy and more!

Have you ever heard about the four temperaments? Do you identify with a particular temperament?

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