5 Lessons from the Life of Deborah

The people of Israel turned away from God and to idolatry. For twenty years the people suffered great oppression, but in humility and repentance they cried out to God for deliverance. God heard their cry and chose a woman, named Deborah, to lead His people towards liberty. Let’s analyze her story and learn a little more from her life.

Light amidst darkness

The stage is set—idolatry abounds and the people have given themselves over to their own lusts. Deborah stands out for her faith in God. She was known as a prophetess, and the people trusted her for advice and justice. God Himself entrusted her with His purposes by making her a messenger of His judgments.

We’re living in a similar scenario, where passions rule. We need, like she did, to draw closer to God day by day so that the world sees the image of Christ reflected in us. Let’s be examples of true faith, regardless of our environment. God calls us to light at all times. Let’s shine for Him!

Accepting the call

Deborah didn’t reject the call to be a judge in Israel. She most likely had other things to do, like taking care of her family and running her own home, but that didn’t stop her from working for Christ.

When we seek wisdom from above, we can reconcile other responsibilities and fulfill our calling. We can develop in various areas of life because God will give us the strength to do so!

Inspiring confidence

Deborah inspired confidence. When she communicated God’s designs to Barak, he didn’t doubt the message. Still, despite receiving assurance that God would be with him, he asked that “Deborah would accompany him, and thus support his efforts by her influence and counsel” (Reflecting Christ, p. 321). She could have just told the people that God would do wonders that day. She could send them into battle and continue in the comfort of her home. Instead, she also put her life on the line. She inspired confidence in that leader and in the people through her own example, showing that a true leader needs to live what she preaches.

Sharing the honors

Deborah told Barak that, because he didn’t fully trust God when facing the challenge, victory would bring honor to another. Sisera — the enemy general — would be defeated at the hands of a woman. And no, that woman wasn’t Deborah. She was to share the honors with another woman—Jael. This distribution of glory didn’t make her upset or worried. Deborah understood that God calls different people with different gifts to join forces for the same cause. There was no rivalry or dispute between them. Jael is portrayed as someone who contributed and, through this example, we realize that on God’s podium there is always room for more than one protagonist.

A woman who gave the honor to God

Despite putting in the work, Deborah knew that all glory should be given to God. She celebrated Israel’s victory with a song attributing their deliverance to the Lord, and thus once again influenced her people to also praise and thank God for His works.

God also calls us to an important mission. Don’t think there isn’t a place reserved for you.

There is a wide field in which they may do good service for the Master. There are noble women who have had moral courage to decide in favor of the truth from the weight of evidence. They have tact, perception, and good ability, and could make successful Christian workers. 

Daughters of God, p.16

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