You Are (Not) a Failure

You’ve likely come across the following quotes: “Your mistakes don’t define you” and “You are not your past” before.

As cliché as these phrases may be, we have to admit that there’s truth in them. We often associate what we’ve done with who we are, and while everything is a set of interconnected elements, we need to remember that our mistakes and perceived failures don’t need to define us. Who you are is not dependent on academic degrees, titles, and the right, or even wrong, things that we do.

You are a living being designed and loved by God, purchased by the blood of Christ. Regardless of what you have done, you are not a failure; you are one of the Creator’s greatest joys, a bearer of His image. When Adam made a mistake, he had to leave the garden and become subject to death, but God already had a plan of redemption in place. The love of the Creator has always been greater than our actions. He continued to love His creation, even when they sinned.

A way out

The danger lies in plunging so deep into a sea of sins and errors, to where you can no longer see yourself as His child, or to where you become comfortable far away from Him who created you for a purpose. It’s at that moment that the enemy tries to win the battle, tempting you to believe that there is no way back to the Father. But there always is.

Jesus said: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6

Your plans may have shattered, you may not have achieved your goals yet, but your worth doesn’t depend on these things, nor do they define you as a human being. God made no mistake in creating you. Your characteristics, your personality, and your appearance are unique. There is hope.

God loved His creation so much that He would not leave them without a way out. Your mistakes, your sins, your shortcomings don’t have to define you. Accept Christ’s grace and strength to overcome every misstep and allow God’s righteousness to define you. He designed you specifically for the race you are running. In Him, you are fully equipped with everything you need to triumph. Trust that His mercy is greater than any mistake you can make. Embrace the victory that He has in store for you.

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Girl writes in journal
The Girl Writes is a space created by women for women. Everything in a faith-based perspective. No adaptations necessary. Learn more.

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