5 Ways to Show Love

Love is essential. We crave to both receive and express love, and the way we do so is as unique as we are. These different ways of accepting and showing love make life and people more interesting and special. How do you show others love? What gestures make you feel loved?

Love gestures, no matter how small, make a big difference in relationships. Not only does the recipient benefit, but the person expressing love does too! So how can we show others we love them? Well, with the strain of this global pandemic, many things we might have thought to do before are no longer feasible. So, I want to remind you of five special ways to show that you appreciate your friends, spouse, and family members without spending money, from a distance, and any time you want.

1 – Share a song

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like music, whether to memorize and sing along or just listen and get inspired. Music is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. Show love by sending someone a song that contains an uplifting message and melody. Tell them the words remind you of them. If you can, try composing a song!

2- Check in

This seems very obvious, but in the midst of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we don’t always have time for the people we love. Sometimes they go through problems and don’t want to bother their friends or family members with their anxieties. It’s so nice when someone unexpectedly asks you how you are, actually listens, and says they are there for you (and means it).

3- Make something

Pinterest is full of ideas! Decorate a glass jar, a box, develop a photo and place it in a frame, paint something, make art, write a letter or just send a postcard from your city with a handwritten note. Engage your beautiful creativity.

4- Food!

When we asked our Instagram followers, “What’s an act of kindness that makes you feel loved?”, the most common answers involved food. Prepare something the person likes to eat. A dessert, homemade bread, a pie, a cake. If you live nearby, take it to the person’s house with a note expressing your gratitude for their presence in your life. If you’re far away or short on time, buy something, order take-out to be delivered at their address, or send them a gift card to their favorite place.

5- Pray for them

Genuine prayer is one of the most valuable gifts you can give someone. You can tell the person you will pray for them, or you can simply talk to God and intercede for that person privately. This will strengthen your relationship and enrich both of your lives.

There are so many ideas of simple things you can do to add love, light, happiness to another’s life. I challenge you to pick a person and spend five days showing them love, for no other reason than to make their day brighter. Value your friends and family. If there’s anything these last months have taught us, it’s that we don’t know how much time we still have. Don’t put off kindness for a “special day”. That special day is today!

In The 5 Love Languages, Gary Chapman says that everyone expresses love differently and hopes that others will love them in that exact manner. You can see how, if everyone has a different way of expressing and accepting love, this could be confusing. That’s why it’s important to know your love language and develop the ability to recognize others’ love languages too. Interested? Check out this article to see which is your love language. With this skill, you will learn to notice how others express their love for you in ways you would never imagine! You will also learn to better communicate your love, so they can understand.

2 thoughts on “5 Ways to Show Love”

  1. Daniela Katrieen

    Muito bom ??? Que possamos sempre demonstrar pequenos gestos de amor para com nosso cônjuge, família e amigos. Deus abençoe ?

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