Three Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood

by Weslânia Ferreira

But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour.

Matthew 9:22

I currently live in a city in southern Chile, and during the pandemic, my husband and I were completely isolated in our house for two and a half months. We were only allowed to go out for two hours once a week. This mandatory confinement was very unpleasant. I missed going out for a run, walking leisurely downtown, seeing the brethren from my church, and meeting up with friends. But it only lasted two and a half months.

In three of the gospels, we find the story of the woman with the issue of blood, a woman who suffered from a hemorrhagic disorder for twelve years and who, due to this illness, was considered unclean and destined to live separately from society. For twelve years, she was an outcast in mandatory confinement.

The burden of loneliness

According to the laws of Moses, if an unclean person touched something, it also became unclean. As a result, the woman with the issue of blood had no social or religious relationships. She wasn’t even allowed to enter the temple to pray. Christ knew that her life was lonely and isolated. When He identified who had touched Him in the crowd and spoke the words: “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole,” He was restoring life to this woman in more ways than one. His words were spoken loudly and intentionally. Now, those who knew about her illness would no longer be afraid to approach her.

The miracles related in the Bible are layered with meaning and examples of Christ’s care. He didn’t merely restore the woman’s health, He also facilitated the path for her to return to society. God created humans with a need for relationships, and He is willing to help us form them! Are you lonely? Take it to the Lord in prayer!

Christ restores all things

Loneliness was only one of the burdens this woman carried. The Bible tells us that she had spent everything she had on doctors, only to be deemed incurable. She was discouraged, hopeless, and felt like the scum of the earth. Then, she heard about Someone who miraculously healed people. Hope flickered, and she set out to meet her Savior. Filled with faith, she entered the crowd unnoticed. Without dwelling on the restrictions against her, she went to Christ, touched His garment, and at that moment, she was healed. I can’t imagine her happiness! Twelve years of illness and in an instant she felt health returning to her body.

This is the power of our God. No matter what is happening in our lives, whether our unhappiness has lasted many years, or whether we are dismissed as a hopeless case by others, God can restore us. When He heals us, our lives are transformed and our relationships are restored. Seeking Him will always be the best choice.

Act in faith

God has the power to free us from any prison, any trauma, or pain. When we approach Him in faith, He will never leave us unanswered or unnoticed. There may be billions of people in this world, but He knows you individually and is eager for you to approach Him.

Like the woman with the issue of blood, don’t focus on what limits you, on the difficulties and challenges of reaching the Master. Your strength may be waning, but go to Him just as you are. He has a cure for every affliction. Go to Him, and believe that in Him there is life.

2 thoughts on “Three Lessons from the Woman with the Issue of Blood”

  1. Thank you hermana, for this beautiful look at the women with the issue of blood. Again, muchas gracias.

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