Living Letters

In the 1900s, letters were the “Whatsapp” of the century. I wonder how it felt to know that a letter had just been left in the mailbox, hearing the postman’s shuffling as he opened the mailbox while someone watched intently from the second-floor bedroom window. It could be a young woman waiting for news from her husband at war, a love letter, or a good chat between friends. No matter the content, receiving a letter was a source of great anxiety and excitement because in many cases, its contents changed the fate of many.

I once heard that we are letters. That those who follow Jesus need to show everyone, by word and example, God’s love for people, to demonstrate an interest in their difficulties and willingness to help solve their problems.

God has shown us His love in many ways and seeks to draw everyone’s attention through different methods. However, many people ignore the signs of the Creator’s care. They do not read the Bible, they do not know Him by His works, deliverances from daily evil do not arouse gratitude. Difficulties, struggles, and anxieties do not stimulate the search for help, but instead, they sink deeper into unbelief. They do not feel the danger of living in the last days of the history of this world. And to these individuals, God sends letters.

The world is watching us. The life we ​​have, the faith we profess, arouses the curiosity of many people seeking to know where so much joy comes from even during adversity, why we treat even our enemies well. They weigh the consistency of our actions to the point they allow themselves to believe that God exists and acts through His children, leading them to love the God we love.

There is nothing more beautiful than the beauty of character. A smiling, friendly companion, counselor, peaceful, kind, merciful, attentive, forgiving person reveals the God they imitate. The way we relate to others, the way we deal with life’s frustrations and “no’s” reveal what kind of message we are reflecting.

In this world where bad news is the norm, God is the postman who placed you in the lives of your friends, family, co-workers, and all who relate to you. And He invites you to be an angel in the existence of those who are very close to the kingdom, just waiting for a “little push” to accept salvation. We pray that you will let them read Jesus in everything you do. The world needs your testimony.

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Girl writes in journal
The Girl Writes is a space created by women for women. Everything in a faith-based perspective. No adaptations necessary. Learn more.

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