Lessons from the Life of Ruth

The women of the Bible were just like us. They struggled, had problems, and went through hardships. Their experiences provide us with lessons that are recorded for us to read and reread. Today we are going to analyze the story of Ruth and some special characteristics about her.

Ruth was Firm and Decided

Making wise decisions and being strong in the midst of difficulties isn’t easy. Ruth had a stable and secure life; she had a place in society, but from one moment to the next, everything changed. Having lost her husband, she was now a widow. Women at that time had no jobs and were dependent on the men, who were the breadwinners of the household. She lost everything, but in the midst of that pain and uncertainty, not knowing what would happen in the future, she made an important decision and stuck to it.

Ruth could have stayed in her land and tried to rebuild her life. Women in those days had no rights to property or possessions, so when her mother-in-law told Ruth to stay, she meant remarry to secure herself a future. But Ruth decided to stay beside Naomi, to whom she had no obligation after her husband’s death. Her nobility spoke louder and that young woman, in the midst of tragedy, manifested strength and attitude. She renounced the life she could have had with her family and chose to face the future alongside her mother-in-law. Naomi, no longer of age to marry, was in a dire financial situation. Ruth refused to leave her.

Ruth was Brave and Loyal

Staying would still have required courage, but Ruth decided to go to Bethlehem, Naomi’s hometown. Not knowing what her life would be like as a woman, a widow, and a stranger, she went anyway. The outlook wasn’t promising. Ruth could have thought of herself, of her own happiness. She could have focused only on her well-being and her emotions. She could have remained close to her parents, her culture, and returned to her ways in Moab. Proposals for a new marriage would certainly come. She would quickly regain status and comforts. However, she decided to stay by her mother-in-law’s side, to take care of her, leaving us a great example of loyalty.

Ruth said to Naomi: “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, And there will I be buried. The LORD do so to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me.” (Ruth 1:16-17)

Ruth was Hardworking and Virtuous

Ruth was a woman of virtue. She spared no effort when she worked in the fields to support herself and Naomi. Both were vulnerable, without any support. Ruth went to do the tiring work of gathering sheaves in the field, under the hot sun, on the land of the rich farmer Boaz.

This was when God began to change her fate. She worked hard from dawn to dusk, and her efforts were noticed; Boaz saw a hardworking and distinguished woman. He had only heard good things about her, so he showed her kindness. Attracted by her character and attitude, he decided to protect her and let her work freely on his land, instructing the workers to leave grain on the ground for her to gather. This same man ended up taking her as his wife after she showed that she was willing and ready to be a wife again.

Ruth was loyal, determined, and willing to serve the God of Israel along with Naomi, not turning back to pagan gods. She was a virtuous woman who ended up being part of the genealogy of Jesus, the son of God.

Naomi and Ruth were two women who experienced devastating loss, but God brought a fresh start to their lives. He brought happiness and hope.

Choose what to do with your pain and tragedy. Don’t let difficulties make it impossible for you to see life with hope. Put your strength and emotions in what you are able to do and let God take care of what’s missing. He has plans for you better than you can imagine. Even when you find yourself in difficult situations, adopt a firm and courageous attitude, and in the face of problems and trials, you will see and feel God’s faithfulness change your life.

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