The Bathroom Angel—A personal testimony

When I was eight, my older sister was sitting on her bed and noticed me walk past in the hallway. She called me over, and as I neared, pulled me into a hug. Her warmth wrapped around me and invaded my entire being. It was a habit of hers to give me spontaneous hugs. In those days, she would leave the house before sunrise and come back at sundown—many times, bringing home a small gift for me and my siblings. Anytime she had to choose between enjoying herself or being there for me—she chose me. My sister loved me—really loved me. It wasn’t something I had to be reminded of because I was always experiencing it. God wants you to experience His love for you in the same way. He knows you need to receive love in tangible ways (intellectually, emotionally, and physically), and He will network a million connections to make sure you receive that love. Let me share an example of how God has done this in my own life.

One day, I was at school and just needed to take a breath and take a moment for myself. Worries whirled in my mind, like nightmares on replay. I sank to the floor of the bathroom stall and wished I could bury my head in one of God’s hugs. “If I could just hear the peace in His voice,” I thought, “it would instantaneously calm the waves in my mind.” While thoughts clouded my mind, a hand holding a phone slipped under my stall door. At first, I was freaked out:

“Who is that?”

“I’m so embarrassed this person noticed me sitting on the bathroom floor.”

“Oh no, am I in trouble?”

I realized that the Notes app was open and there was something typed there. I stared, unsure whether I was supposed to take the phone or not. I took it and read. “Hey, are you okay?”

I didn’t know what to answer. I typed back, “Hey, I’m okay” and passed the phone under the stall door. It reappeared: “I hope things get better soon.” The words sent a current of warmth to my soul, like the hug I had been needing. “Thank you so much.” And the phone didn’t appear again.

I was stunned. I didn’t think anyone would do that. The girl crouching outside my bathroom door never saw my face, and I never saw hers. I stopped to think, maybe God sent her. Maybe that was my hug. The more I thought about it, the more sure I was. When God can’t physically give you that hug, or that word, or His physical presence, He will send you those things through someone else.  

He hasn’t forgotten you and wants to be kind to you. He wants to do loving things for you. God never wanted you to be satisfied with little portions. He wants to make you delighted, overjoyed, and have your cup run over. If you are ready for more of God, tell Him and draw close. He loves you with a love that invests, initiates, pours out, and gives unimaginable gifts.

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; Therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him” (Isaiah 30:18). 

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