5 Natural and Homemade Masks for Refreshed Skin

New year, refreshed skin!

To start the year off right, here are 5 homemade masks to use throughout the year for fresh and healthy skin January-December.

1. Papaya Mask

To start the year with that well-hydrated-skin glow, here’s a papaya mask that is a natural, non-comedogenic, vitamin C rich moisturizer to invigorate and protect your skin:


  • 1 Tbsp. mashed papaya
  • 1 Tbsp. honey
  • 1/3 carrot, grated


Finely grate the carrot. Add the other ingredients and mix well. Apply the mask and leave on for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water and mild facial soap.


Honey is an excellent moisturizer that helps fight aging and has antibacterial properties. Papaya is rich in vitamins, fiber, and calcium, aids in treating blemishes, removing dark eye circles, moisturizes the skin, prevents aging and fights blackheads and pimples. Carrots contain vitamin A and carotenoids that protect the skin and help maintain elasticity, prevent wrinkles, and fight blemishes and acne!

2. Avocado Mask

This is another mask to moisturize the skin and restore the natural glow but this time with the help of the powerful avocado:


  • 2 Tbsp. avocado
  • 1 Tbsp. honey


Mash avocado with a fork, add honey and mix until smooth. (Exfoliate before applying the mask for best results.) Apply the mask and let set for 20 minutes. Avoid the eye region when applying. Remove with running water.


Avocado is a powerful moisturizer that helps restore shine and firmness. Honey leaves the skin silky and smooth, serving as an excellent mask to relieve dry skin, especially in winter.

3. Avocado and Carrot Mask

For nourished and renewed skin, try this mask:


  • 1/3 carrot, grated
  • 1 slice of avocado


Finely grate the carrot and mash a slice of avocado. Mix both ingredients together until smooth. Apply the mask to a freshly washed face and let sit for 20 minutes. Remove with running water.


Avocado is rich in vitamin E, a collagen-forming vitamin that helps ensure greater radiance and skin rejuvenation. Carrots also improve the skin’s appearance and its beta-carotene helps to increase elasticity and ensure healthier skin.

4. Oatmeal and Honey Mask

Ideal mask to recover elasticity, tone and rejuvenate the skin:


  • 1 Tbsp. oats
  • 1 Tbsp. honey


In a bowl, mix the two ingredients well until the oats are completely mixed into the honey (add more honey if necessary). Apply the mask using circular motions. Leave mask on for 15 minutes and remove with plenty of water.


Oats help eliminate toxins and increase the production of collagen. Oats also moisturize the skin and ensure softness while acting as an exfoliator. The honey also has moisturizing, antibacterial, toning, and rejuvenating properties that help remove impurities.

5. Egg Mask

For greater elasticity and to prevent and treat wrinkles, try the egg mask:


  • 1/2 egg white
  • 1/2 Tbsp. honey


Beat the egg white until it forms soft peaks. Add honey and mix until smooth. Moisten face with warm water and apply the mask. Leave for 15 minutes and remove with running water. For best results apply the mask twice a week.


Egg whites assist in fighting wrinkles, leaving the skin smooth and radiant. They also help combat oily skin, helps remove blackheads, and fight loose skin with the high-quality proteins they contain.

And there you have 5 wonderful, practical, and inexpensive homemade face masks for younger, more radiant skin this year!

Share these masks with a friend so they can shine this year too 😉

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