You + Him – The Greatest Love Story

Over the past year, we have shared our love stories here at The Girl Writes. Each story is beautiful and perfect in its own way. Well, today I want to share the year’s last love story. And this one involves you. Since it’s your love story, you are probably already familiar with it, but maybe you’ve never thought about it this way before…

Where it all began…

At the very beginning, God idealized what our planet would be like. He planned every detail and created an intricate and beautiful world. Why so much detail and care? To make you feel at home, welcomed, loved, and special. The new home was perfect. Now, with great anticipation and overflowing love, God created our first parents, carefully sculpting every detail of His beloved creation. Once they were made, He was thrilled! They were the works of His hands. He couldn’t wait to talk with them, walk with them, have a relationship with them.

The conflict…

For a time, everything went well. He spent time with them, and they enjoyed His presence. But then, one day, our parents sinned. He had given them everything. Wasn’t it enough? Was something lacking in the garden? Oh, wretched decision! What more could He have done? He had warned them, protected them, and now they would have to endure the consequences that would naturally follow their choice to love another. Another, who didn’t love them at all but who abused them, toyed with their hearts and annulled their eternal future.

He would fix it. He had to! He couldn’t bear to see the degradation and suffering pile upon His perfect creation. He loved them so much. He would provide a way out.

A Hero…

Four thousand years later He sent His only Son, the most beloved part of Himself—Jesus—to rescue humanity.

Jesus left the life of a heavenly king to live on the outskirts of Nazareth in poverty and among bad people. He chose to die a cruel death, to suffer humiliation, and endure pain so severe that blood came out of His pores. He did all that and more to prove His love for you. To make it possible for you and Him to have a relationship.

No matter how much you love your family, your friends, and no matter how much they love you, never will anyone love you as God does. No one will ever do for you what Jesus did. No human will treat you the way God does.

He knows every dimple, wrinkle, scar. He knows your quirks, accepts them, and loves you so. He knows your traumas and wants to heal you. He knows your flaws and wants to transform you. He is the only one that can mend whatever’s broken, that can make you happy, and that can prepare you for a beautiful relationship with another person.

Your love story…

This is the greatest love story ever told because it was written by Love personified.

This story can have a happy ending, but it’s up to you. With everything that God has sacrificed, all the years He has spent wooing you, all the letters He has sent, none of it guarantees you will return His love. He offers Himself with no assurance you will accept Him. “God isn’t that vulnerable,” you may tell me. No, He doesn’t have to be. But He places Himself in the position of being rejected because of His love for you. He yearns for a deep relationship with you. For you to trust Him, talk to Him, love Him back.

You and God can spend eternity together, enjoying each other’s company starting today. Hope, joy, peace, and love can define your life today. All you have to do is accept Him. “It can’t be that easy!” But it is! Because of Jesus’ birth and death on this earth, yes, it is! He is knocking at the door of your heart saying, “With everlasting love I have loved you,” Jeremiah 31:3. “If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in,” Revelation 3:20. He is waiting. Will you allow Jesus to be born in your heart today?

A prayer of surrender:

Lord, take my heart; for I cannot give it.

It is Thy property.

Keep it pure, for I cannot keep it for Thee.

Save me in spite of myself, my weak, unchristlike self.

Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a pure and holy atmosphere,

where the rich current of Thy love can flow through my soul.

Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 159


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Girl writes in journal
The Girl Writes is a space created by women for women. Everything in a faith-based perspective. No adaptations necessary. Learn more.

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